Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Update on Sam

It’s been three years since Sam was assaulted on the streets of Portland. I am so grateful that today he is healthy, and that he is stronger because of what he has been through. He has moved on from that time, reluctant to talk about it or relive the experience and the aftermath in any way. I have to follow his lead. I respect his feelings. 
Sam, Photo Credit: B. Kitson

Sam is driving again, working hard, spending time with friends and family and planning for his future. He is doing good, and I am so proud of his ability to forgive and move on. 

When I returned to work after Sam was assaulted, many of my friends spoke to me offering me encouragement and love. I can't remember most of the exact words, but one of my friends, who is is a nurse, said to me, "Do you know how lucky he is? Do you understand?"

I thought I did, but I didn't really. I do now. He is a survivor. I am so so thankful and blessed. 

I am forever grateful for everyone who supported Sam through the GoFundMe campaign. Through this, I’ve learned there are many good people in the world, and in my own life. My family, of course. My friends in Arkansas were everything and still are; I miss them. 

I do not believe anyone will ever be held accountable for what happened to Sam. I am frustrated and heartbroken over that reality check, but I have to believe and hope that the person who did this to Sam lives with the guilt of what he has done. I hope he does not, or has not, done it again. I have not forgotten, but I am trying to forgive. 

There’s been a lesson for me here. Sometimes things do not turn out as you plan or hope, but that is OK. There is a lesson from every experience. Sometimes it is just hard to see it. 

Much love to everyone, again and always, who has supported me and Sam and stood by me in the darkest hours and the happiest moments. 

Thank you! I love you all! I can’t say it enough.