Thursday, March 24, 2016

Meet Josh

In the very first days after Sam's injury, a young man from Portland named Josh Billups reached out to Bridget. He's a war veteran, who has seen his share of heartache, but something about Sam's story touched him. Probably because he's an NFL fan, albeit for the 49ers rather than the Packers ... but he and Sam have something in common.

Josh is the president and coordinates all of the events for Niner Empire Portland, an official booster club of the San Francisco 49ers, and they are legion. This isn't a group that just gets together to watch football games once in awhile, they are a community-driven and fund-raising machine. They also are a fun-loving group, welcoming all fans and friends into the fold. And, they wanted to do something for Sam, with Josh leading the charge. Josh sent an email to Bridget with no expectations that he would even hear from her. However, when the media was looking for people to interview related to Sam's story, something about Josh's earnestness made Bridget think of him.

Bridget asked him if he wouldn't mind speaking to the media about what his Niner Empire Portland was doing for Sam, and Josh, although he's not one to seek out the limelight, did it for our family. We needed help to get Sam's story out, to find those responsible, and simply to encourage people to be kind to each other. With the media in tow, Josh went on a Green Bay Packers shopping spree for Sam courtesy of Niner Empire Portland.

When I was in Portland a few weeks ago, I got to meet Josh, as he brought gifts to the hospital. He's got a heart of gold. We spent an hour or so visiting, and I felt like we were good friends when we parted. I appreciate his sensitivity to me, and his sincere efforts to do good in this world. He's the real deal.

And ... Josh shared with me some great news from the NFL world, particularly in relation to the 49ers. The team, somehow, heard about Josh and his Niner Empire Portland and what they were doing for Sam and so many others. They wanted to reward Josh and his club for this, and for all of the charitable work they do, so they reached out to Josh. The 49ers decided to film Josh's club for an episode of their show, "The Faithful."

But there's more, for the first time ever,  Portland will host an NFL youth camp. The 49ers are bringing the 49ers Youth Football Play 60 Camp to Portland this summer, the weekend of June 11 from 11 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. at Clackamas High School. It's a free camp to educate kids and parents on playing safely. When Josh shared this with me, he said, "I just wanted you to know that Sam's story is bringing some good to the community." This is exciting for Portland. It's a first for the NFL and for Portland. More information is coming soon but this is the finale of a "youth camp road show" from the 49ers. They are also trying to bring Sourdough Sam, some cheerleaders and even former players. I'm very proud of Josh and his efforts on behalf of the kids in Portland; Portland is one lucky city!

My Family
Sam, Bridget, Molly, Dan, and all the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and close friends are so very grateful for what everyone has done. From baked goods to dinners to financial support, the gifts have been from the heart. Believe it or not, people are still contributing to the GoFundMe account. The media still reaches out, and I have a new friend named Annie at the University of California at Irvine (I answered some questions for her related to her research).  I plan on closing the GoFundMe account at the end of March, but will update friends, family and well-wishers occasionally from GoFundMe and the blog. When there is news to share, I will share it willingly through this blog. I am going going to, at this point, try to give Sam and Bridget some privacy and time to continue recovery. Know they are doing good, and Sam is very, very grateful.

I coudn't be more grateful. I was in a state of despair when I started this blog, and the GoFundMe account. I was concerned for my son's health and his future. Those that have supported me, prayed for Sam, offered financial support have changed the course of my and Sam's life. You, my friends, have relieved a burden so great that it had literally brought me to my knees. It's more than I dreamed possible, and more than I deserve. I am forever grateful.

Watch for any updates from this blog. Thank you for reading this blog, and thinking of my sweet son.

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