Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Sometimes the Wheels of Justice Grind Slowly

In the halls of my office building, through private messaging on Facebook and on every phone call I have, my friends and family ask me, “Do they know who did this to Sam?” The answer is YES.

 When I originally talked to the detectives in Portland, they stressed to me over and over again that the criminal justice system moves very, very slowly. They said I would probably have no real resolution or movement on Sam's case until the summer of 2017. I thought that sounded ridiculous, but like most people, it had to happen to me before I believed it.

Today, summer 2017 feels about right.

But back to what I know about the person who did this to my son. Yes, they know who it is. That's about all of the information I can share at this time. Justice will not come easy as those responsible aren’t accepting responsibility. I guess they haven’t hurt me and mine enough. It's unbelievably frustrating. I've dreamed about it. I've cried about it. Somedays it's hard to think about anything else. Sam was severely injured, and those that love Sam have been through so much heartache; and yet, we still wait. 

When the time is right, and this is really behind us, I will share my feelings about "justice” with everyone. Until then, please hold on tight for me, and pray for justice for my son.

Sam is doing very well. He is reading, walking, being funny, watching Netflix, getting out and about regularly, relaxing and even recently did some volunteer work with Bridget at a local humane society. He and Bridget are passionate about pets, as you can tell with all of the photos of Weezy, their beloved dog. Bridget is finishing up her college semester and has gone back to work part-time.

Sam and Bridget were watching the "The Great British Baking Show" on Netflix and told me I would like it. I blame it on them that I spent a whole day (maybe two) binge-watching it. It's awesome. Anyway, I told Sam it has inspired me, and I might bake something. He told me to bake some "cool, unheard of stuff" for the holidays. So, I'm open to ideas my friends. Send your yummy holiday recipes my way.

I will be seeing Sam, Bridget and Molly at the end of July as we all vacation together, with extended family, in Minnesota. I can’t wait! 

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